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double spacing中文是什么意思

用"double spacing"造句"double spacing"怎么读"double spacing" in a sentence


  • 双倍行间距


  • Double spacing is required between two paragraphs
  • The paper should be 15 - 20 pages long , double spaced
  • Cross - cultural inquiry paper , 3 - 4 pages double spaced
    跨文化的调查报告,两倍行距, 3 - 4页。
  • Shall i use single or double spacing ( ie single or double spaces between the lines ) when i type this letter
  • Please answer 3 of the 5 questions below - with no less than 3 pages each question and no more than 7 - double space , reasonable margins
  • Final paper , 8 - 10 pages double spaced . all papers must be typed , double spaced , in 12 - point font size . use apa standard references , and proof read carefully
    期末报告,两倍行距, 8 - 10页。必须打印,用12号字体,用apa标准的参考文献,仔细校对。
  • Final paper , 8 - 10 pages double spaced . all papers must be typed , double spaced , in 12 - point font size . use apa standard references , and proof read carefully
    期末报告,两倍行距, 8 - 10页。所有报告必须缮打,用12号字体,用apa标准的参考文献,仔细校对。
  • Three copies of the text and photocopies of large drawings are required . all copy including tables , references , and figure captions must be double spaced , printed on one side of the page only , have wide margins , and all pages must be numbered consecutively
    稿件应在a4幅面的纸上单面打印,字号不小于5号字, 1 . 5倍行距;在寄交审定的修改稿时,应将有与之对应文件的磁盘一同交给编辑部,或用电子邮件发给编辑部。
用"double spacing"造句  


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